Varicose veins of the pelvis in women: who can help – phlebologist or female pediatrician

If the mention of such diseases as varicose veins, most people can not imagine, pathological processes of the lower extremities, which are visible to the naked eye. Varicose veins of the pelvis – this sort of diseases has been talked and written much less frequently. It is often this indication is assessed when the presence and the inflammatory processes of organs of sexual sphere, some hormonal disorders, pathology of the makers of the urinary system, lumbar sciatica.

Women have varicose veins of the pelvis caused by stretching of the walls of veins, reducing their strength. The peak incidence of decline in reproductive age from 25 to 50 years. Sometimes varicose veins of the extension can be set to either teenage girls in the period of rapid growth and the formation of the hormonal levels and menstrual cycle. In this age the disease can occur symptoms.

Another feature of the pathology – tendency to aggravation and actively contribute to the period of gestation of the child.

Characteristics and causes of

Characteristics and causes of

Obstruction of the veins and the system runs in normal blood circulation in the ovaries lead to crashes in the circulatory system. Provoke a factor in the development of the disease may be dysplasia of connective tissue, which leads to a decreased amount of collagen and as a result, the elasticity and strength of blood vessels.

General negative factors and reasons for development of varicose veins of the pelvis:

  • during pregnancy due to increased blood blood vessels, an elevated content of progesterone, the larger the dimensions of the uterus;
  • regular intensive physical load;
  • several of the previous pregnancy and childbirth;
  • a sedentary lifestyle, predominantly seated activity;
  • gynecologic diseases: pathological building is uterine endometriosis, inflammatory processes;
  • the practice has over the years a lot of time to interrupt intercourse in order to protect the unwanted pregnancy;
  • long-term use of certain hormonal means;
  • lack of satisfaction with sexual life.

Provoke the development of varicose veins can be hormonal imbalances, particularly estrogen levels rise.

As already mentioned, pelvic varicose veins will manifest itself in the same way diseases of female genital system. The main characteristic that makes be careful, it is a constant pain. They feel the lower abdomen, may be so weak that is barely palpable, so intensely-jagged. Very often severe pain, originating in a small bowl, cover the lumbar region or sacrum. The pain is getting sharper after physical exertion or, on the contrary, after a prolonged stay in one and the same position (sitting or standing).

Should be highlighted the following symptoms, which has a varicose veins varicose veins of the pelvis:

  • stronger bleeding after childbirth or gynecologic procedure, which is caused by the thinning of the venous walls, stop is heavy bleeding;
  • painful intercourse, feeling of sexual dissatisfaction, fear of and aversion to sexual performance in general, the appearance of strong muscles spasm when attempting to conclude an intimate proximity;
  • painful or frequent urination, which is caused by the plethoric in the bladder;
  • increase in the veins of the vulva or perineum, accompanied by severe itching, swelling, burning;
  • the veins in thrombophlebitis, characterised by swelling or redness of the skin perineum, fever and general weakness.

Distinguish between varicose veins ven vulva and disease due to venous number. The disease may be three degrees of intensity.

If varicose:

  • 1 degree, – the vein diameter is 4-5 mm;
  • 2 degree – a way to gradually, up to 6-10 m;
  • 3 degree – vein diameter exceeds 10 mm.

The concept of the severity of the pathology – one of the main stages of the diagnosis, as it helps to select treatment methods. In the first two cases are usually enough conservative treatment, changes to the system power supply, the application of medical gymnastics. The third the severity of the disease requires surgery, ligation for large varicose veins.


This disease is a problem repeatedly parous women. Changes varicose veins may occur already in the first pregnancy and each subsequent risk increases. At some stage in the vein of makers no longer function fully, preventing the normal size the outflow of blood.

The Risk increases when you women:

  • diagnosed with abnormal structure of the genital organs (especially the uterus);
  • there is a genetic predisposition;
  • excessive weight or quick set of the kg throughout the pregnancy;
  • are bad habits (smoking);
  • the work, which requires minor physical effort, extended stay sitting or standing in one place.
Why disease so often diagnose pregnant?

This pathology of the suffering women in the third trimester because the growing uterus puts pressure on the nearby organs, creating obstacles to their usual activities.

The normal blood volume that circulates in the body during gestation increased nearly 50 %. Not always in the vein of the effect of the increased their load, especially if the situation has deepened its various factors, which was the talk of the above.

Characteristic changes in the hormonal background of a future mother in the body can badly affect the skin, vascular walls.

How dangerous is ailing the predominance of ven during gestation?

Varicose veins of the uterus and other organs threatening difficult birth with serious consequences. The thin walls of the veins may get hurt and even burst, causing thereby pain and bleeding. These phenomena are harmful and dangerous not only for the welfare of women, but also his life.

One of the most commonly occurring violations of blood clotting. They block blood vessels, reducing or completely preventing the normal supply the placenta with blood. Such disorder leads to ageing placenta and oxygen starvation fruit.

1 and 2 stages of varicose veins of the pelvis for childbirth, usually take place in a natural way. Time to move medical staff monitors that lower blood pressure blood vessel walls. Necessary concurrent administration of medications, thinning the blood.

Difficult (3-(i) the form required to be through caesarean section.

If you have a problem pregnant need to thoroughly prepare for future maternity leave, namely:

  • from the second trimester to wear pre-natal brace;
  • actively move, to exclude long-stay sitting or standing in one position (for example, being in the back of your computer);
  • to reduce the pressure in blood vessels during sleep to put between the legs special pillow;
  • visit the swimming pool or regularly take a contrast shower.

Future mothers need to review your diet, monitor the timely emptying of the bowel.


The external pelvic exam allows you to easily identify the varicose veins expansion of the vulva and perineum. But how to check if there is such a pathology of internal genital organs? The precise definition of problems for further studies, such as ULTRASOUND diagnosis, phlebography, laparoscopy, ct scan or MRT.


The disease does not belong to the gynecological pathology. Therapy exercises the doctor-phlebologist (vascular surgeon). But because the disease is often detected to pass at the time of the ULTRASOUND, the later a woman is observed between the two professionals – female gynecologist phlebologist. Treatment of varicose veins of the pelvis must be integrated, including health care, therapy and treatment without medicines application of medical gymnastics, the normalization of the power supply system and a review and agenda.

Drugs effectively eliminate the symptoms initially. Patients prescribed medications in the period of aggravation. Long reception of of such tools not because they have a tendency to cause side effects. The drug improves blood circulation, reduces inflammation and pain, reduce blood clotting.

How to treat enlarged veins of the pelvis in pregnant women, and if justified drug addiction treatment is in this case?

Considering the potential damage to the fetus and the high risk of emergence of side effects, the medications have not been provided for earlier in the second trimester and only in exceptional cases. If before pregnancy a woman has never encountered such medical problems, frequently him to recommend to limit the non drug methods for the treatment of, for example, wearing special underwear.

Eliminate stagnant phenomenon in a small bowl will be flexible. Most of the exercises done lying position either. This can be known as the "birch", "bicycle", "scissors". If their performance turns out sufficient for the load downhill of the abdomen is conducive to a large outflow of blood. Contraindications complements wearing compression knitwear.

Additional points of interest include the treatment and hirudotherapy, the treatment of leeches, which make the area of the coccyx.


The tools traditional medicine effective to overcome the symptoms, if these early stage. High efficiency is the way and broths mushroom and dandelion root, tinctures based on hevoskastanja.

The most advantageous possibility of applying the fungus – treatment path on this basis. This is 3 tablespoons of dried fungus pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and soak in a warm place for a couple of hours. Take half an hour before meals, not more often than 2-3 times per day.

Dessert spoon of crushed roots of dandelion pour a glass of boiled water, a couple of hours and drink three times a day 10-15 minutes before meals. This tea is contraindicated for persons who suffer from gastritis or biliary disease.

The manufacture of the tincture hevoskastanja tree clean, peeled, chopped, I put the bottle with dark glass and pour vodka in the ratio 1:10. The infusion duration is 14 days. 25-30 drops of the solution obtained are mixed with a little water and take three times a day. The duration of the reception should not exceed 30 days.



The great importance of the disease in the treatment is a balanced diet, with the exception of fat per and alcoholic beverages. The menu should include foods are high in fiber, fats, vegetable origin. The main products are of diet should be vegetables, fruits, natural juices, green tea. Not recommended for sweet pone, meals with more spices, rämpstoit. Food should be more often, but smaller portions.

Useful products are high in vitamin C (citrus, blackcurrant), seafood (oysters, shrimp, merikapsas). Foods must be prepared in minimal quantity of salt.


Conservative treatment methods are important to facilitate the patient's condition and eliminates the risk of serious consequences. The main task is to cure – to avoid repetition and are need of surgical intervention. It is important diseases, prevention of diseases and their repetition.

Nearby points of interest also medical recommendations should be highlighted:

  1. The use of hormonal medication only for the intended purpose of the doctor and under its control.
  2. The way mobile way of life of moderate physical activity.
  3. Prevent harmful habits, such as smoking and the adoption of alcoholic beverages.
  4. Regularly perform complex gymnastic exercises, in order to support the health and blood vessels.
  5. Stick to a healthy diet more fruit and vegetables.
  6. Wearing a compression cast when the first signs of varicose veins.

Execution of preventive recommendations is also important during pregnancy, especially in its second half.

Review diet, active lifestyle, regular doctor's visit, treatment of the enlarged veins of the pelvis immediately after the detection of the disease will eliminate the painful symptoms and helps to avoid surgical operation for a long time.